Advent of Code

Day 1


November 27, 2022

Advent of code is a fantastic opportunity for programmers to hone their skills. Here’s a solution in Julia for Day 1, 2022.

Input Data

Start by loading data for the sample and our full input.

example = readlines("day_1_ex.txt")
14-element Vector{String}:

Today’s challenge involves counting the inventory of each elf. A logical starting point is to consider the data structure. A simple vector of vectors should well represent all items of all elves.

struct Inventory

Inventory has field items which will hold all the items of a particular elf. In order to create the desired vector of vectors, we want the input to be split by new lines. It is easy to write a function which takes in some vector and splits it by some function.

function split_elf_input::Function, input::Vector)
    first, last = firstindex(input), lastindex(input)
    splits = [first-1; findall(λ, input); last]
    split1, split2 = splits[1:end-1], splits[2:end]
    return [input[start+1:finish] for (start, finish) in zip(split1, split2)]

We can now write the function that will parse our challenge input into the desired data structure.

function Inventory(input::Vector{Vector{String}})
    filter!.(!isempty, input)
    inventory_input = map(i -> parse.(Int, i), input)


So, we have everything we need to describe the full elfish inventory. All that’s left is to describe the method of finding the top elf. We can do this in a general way so that we can elect how many of the top elves are returned.

top_elf(inventory::Inventory, nelves = 1) = mapreduce(+, 1:nelves) do elf
    calories, index = findmax(sum.(inventory.items))
    popat!(inventory.items, index)
    return calories

Parts one and two differ in the number of top elves required. We can write separate functions to accomodate this.

part_1(input) = top_elf(Inventory(split_elf_input(isempty, input)))
part_2(input) = top_elf(Inventory(split_elf_input(isempty, input)), 3)

Time to solve!
